Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
If you’re new here, let me tell you a little bit about myself & what you can find here at simple as that.
I am a 32 year old wife & mother of four & our little family currently lives on a tiny island in the Dutch Caribbean.
I enjoy doing crafts, especially with my kids and I'm an avid scrapbooker & professional photographer.
Since this blog began in 2005, my philosophy has always been to try and keep things simple,
but it wasn’t until our recent move that I’ve had to put these simple ideas into practise in a very real sense.
I've been pleasantly surprised at how much I’ve enjoyed creating simple craft projects using easy to find supplies
& the very basic items I have on hand. While browsing my blog you'll find a variety of simple craft projects,
easy to follow photography tips & my thoughts on life & scrapbooking, among other fun stuff
{like giveaways! everyone likes giveaways, right!?}
I’m so glad you’ve stopped by & taken a chance to get to know me a little bit.
If you happen to have any questions for me send me a quick email and I’ll do my best to answer them!
If you happen to have a product you'd like me to feature in an upcoming craft project I’d LOVE to
hear from you as well! Just shoot me an email for all the shipping details!
Thanks for stopping by simple as that and have a wonderful day!